Please see how to install theme on YouTube.
Before installation please check if you are using most recent PHP. At the moment we support PHP 7.x and PHP 5.6.x. Versions below 5.6.x are not supported. We always recommend to use at least VPS services for full control on your WordPress site. But if you are not familiar with the VPS don't worry, regular hosting programs should be fine as well.
If you have download the package on your local computer you can start with the installation. Please prepare ZIP file containing style.css in root directory. Navigate in admin into Themes section and select your ZIP file. Now you can confirm an upload. After the upload you have to set theme as default.
If theme installation was successful you should see a message about installing additional plugins. Please install all required plugins. If theme contains one click installation run it as well. You can check if theme has one click installation under Tools section.
In one click installation we are not bundling original images. We are using mainly only placeholders which have only one color. We are using this approach because downloading all images from demo server could take a lot of time so we decided to use only placeholders to improve installation experience.
After installation is always good idea to check the permalinks under Settings - Permalinks. Always make sure that you are using Post name option. After selecting the post name don't forget to save the permalinks. By this action all permalink option in WordPress site are regenerated.
Plugin Only Installation
If you are using only the Workforce plugin you can install it through the WordPress administration as well. Navigate into Plugins - Add New section and select ZIP file. Confirm the upload. After the upload you have to enable the plugin under Plugins section.
After installing theme or plugin please make sure that you configured it properly. All options are situated inside WordPress customizer. We recommend you to set all options. Most options have their descriptions so you can see what exactly you must to do.
Child Theme
Using the child theme is great way how to stay up to date with theme releases. From the child theme you can overwrite all functionality coming from parent theme or third party plugins. In the package downloaded for example from ThemeForest it should be situated the child theme as well. So upload parent & child themes.
- By installing child theme you must add your customizations into child theme only.
- When using the child theme settings applied by one click installation will be not working because customizer options are related to theme name and child theme has always different name
Updating Theme
Themes should contain Envato Market plugin which allows you to update theme by just inserting your API key. If this plugin is not available we recommend to update theme through the SFTP where you just replace wp-content/themes/theme-name by downloaded theme.
Please note if you made any changes in the source code of theme nor plugin, all changes will be lost after update. So we recommend to use child theme for customizations.