
Name Description
[workforce_activity] Most recent events.
[workforce_account_change_password] Change password form.
[workforce_account_profile] Display user profile form.
[workforce_account_login] User login form.
[workforce_account_logout] Logout user.
[workforce_account_register] Register account form.
[workforce_account_reset_password] Reset password form.
[workforce_breadcrumb] Breadcrumbs.
[workforce_calendar] Displa calendar of tasks and touchpoints.
[workforce_filter] Display form for filtering content.
[workforce_load_template] Simple get_template_part() shortcode wrapper.
[workforce_message] Show system messages.
[workforce_projects] Display projects.
[workforce_stats_money] Chart displaying expenses and earnings
[workforce_tasks] Display tasks.
[workforce_touchpoints] Display touchpoints.

If you want to run the shortcode use the do_shortcode() WordPress function. Below is an example you can for example display calendar in page template.

<!-- Editing for example page.php -->

echo do_shortcode( '[workforce_calendar]' );

If you want to see how exactly the shortcode is working you can check the source code. It is easier as it seems. Navigate into Workforce plugin and open src/Workforce/Shortcode folder. There you can see all available shortcode. In shortcode definition you can find accepted arguments. For example in projects shortcode you can see arguments below.

$atts = shortcode_atts( [
    'count'                 => 5,
    'show_create_button'    => false,
    'show_all_button'       => false,            
], $atts, 'workforce_projects' );

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    No results matching ""